Trust Office and Tax Advisory


Business administration is not just about accounting. You can master the accounting yourself faster than all business processes that must be compliant with your accounting. Business economics is the key to the heart of accounting with your business information. The balance can then provide you with concrete information about equity at any given moment. It is more interesting to see the results achieved. How did these originate and what do they consist of? This is the central question that arises when you merge all business processes into accounting, thereby preparing for a good year-end and making a fresh start. Business administration answers that central question.


Yes, we all know that by now. The tax authorities look into our values to determine which part of our income belongs to the taxation. Which taxes and what do I see in return? This is the most prevalent question that will come to mind when you deal with taxes. The first answer you will get from the tax authority is that the taxations are reflected in the expenditure it makes on what you see around you without kidding. The second answer is most likely that it is already a cradle of the reality in which you live in. How well does your own reality correspond to what you see around it?


Your cashflow is exactly what determines that you can enjoy yourself while you exploit your company. The more you enjoy it, the more fun you can experience in executing your business plan. Not simpel, therefore, It's not only important to make your investments. It's even more important to maintain a good overview of this cashflow by having good controlling techniques and an understanding of treasury.

The Conversion

The new way of entrepreneurship has already started before the COVID-19 as a whole new medium of possibilities that mainly make up our knowledge of modern development. Most people were already thinking big before this new venture and huge developments were introduced such as LTE (Long Term Evolution). This has ensured more ability to take new paths into the market. An example of such an LTE is the internet. This has been used for a long time now, for example, to seek your most challenging career opportunities. Did not take long before we entrepreneurs have joined in with web shops and so on. So now we have succeeded in linking the two opportunities together, so that the new generation of home workers have been created. You will notice that great thinkers do not always belong in heavily enlarged organizations or behind enlarged entrences. Since recently just from home.

The Innovation

Let's all be less overreactive by fixating on everything in physical possession, contact and effect? We can also arrange most of our affairs digitally? Mastaba's digital workplace brings us together. You will learn to live with work processes that are more streamlined. They are made available to you with active views so that you can interact with the information you were provided with. For example, the hours of research, storage, processing and correspondence within the finance department are accomplished much faster by digitizing it.


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